Radiant Dielectric Aether Field Energy

22 October 2007

What is orgonite?

by Jon Logan

The word "Orgonite" refers to a new class of materials which are composed of a mixture of metallic particles suspended in an organic medium. The term "Orgonite" was coined by Karl Welz, the man who is generally credited with inventing it. Though initially intended by Welz to refer only to his commercial product, the name stuck- and has come into usage by most people familiar with the material. So... I suppose in the mind of Karl Welz and few other folks, orgonite means Welz's individual recipe, but to most others it has come to mean any material produced using the same basic conceptual approach. In any case, it refers to an orgone matrix material, as opposed to a layered orgone accumulator. To a degree, a piece of orgonite will act as an orgone accumulator in that it will tend to attract orgone from the area around it, but with an added dimension. The added dimension is that it will process the orgone energy as it interacts with it, whereas an orgone accumulator more simply condenses orgone energy.